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Cervia and surroundings

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Cervia is a town and comune (municipality) in the province of Ravenna in the Emilia-Romagna region. It has a population of about 27,000 inhabitants. The city is located at a wonderful spot on the Adriatic coast with long stretches of sandy beach and shallow seabed. The “Cervia Ambiente” Foundation was set up in Cervia in 1973 to protect and raise awareness about the environment. Thanks to the top-quality tourist services and water, the city is rated among the best resorts as regards hospitality and good sanitary and bathing facilities at the beach. Here you will find a land full of beautiful sceneries and culture that offers a wide range of attractions for a journey into the world of wellness and relaxation, besides the beach, of course. Must-see attractions are the Salt Storehouses- currently displaying important exhibitions and soon the new seat for the Salt Civilization Museum-, the San Michele Tower, the Cathedral, the Town Hall and the Garibaldi Square, the heart of the historical quarters that hosts renowned events, concerts and street markets. Other interesting places are the Suffragio (Suffrage) Church, the Town Theatre, San Antonio Church and the small Pisacane Square with the historical building that was once the Fish Market. Of particular beauty is the fountain called “Il tappeto sospeso” (The suspended carpet), that looks like a multi-coloured carpet decorated with mosaic. Amid the centuries old pinewood lies “Terme di Cervia” (hot springs), regarded as a most modern spa due to its perfect synergy between the latest thermal research work and Nature. Cervia is also the venue of great sports events such as Sportur, International Kite Festival, International Dance Festival, Palio della Voga (rowing race for local life guards), World Sand Sculpture Championship, Sprint Kite News. Besides moments devoted to sports, there are traditional festivities and cultural events, in particular the Sea Wedding, Taste of Salt, Catch a Shooting Star, the International Puppet Festival and Puppet Show, Books on the beach and “Il Sarchiapone” –a competition for young stand-up comedians who perform in front of a jury and numerous spectators – plus places of artistic and cultural interest. To end the year: "Winter lights" Christmas festivity and a European Christmas Market. A famous sub-division of Cervia is Milano Marittima, which has become a reference point for those looking for fun and entertainment on the coast. It is characterised by distinguished hotels and beautiful villas, always visited by VIP customers.

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