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Brisighella and surroundings

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Brisighella is a town of the Province of Ravenna, situated in the Emilia Romagna Region. It has a population of around 8,000 inhabitants and the territory is mad up of several frazioni (subdivisions) such as Boesimo, Casale, Castellina, Croce Daniele, Fognano, Fornazzano, La Strada , Marzeno, Monteromano, Pietramora, Purocielo, Rontana, San Cassiano, San Martino, Urbiano, Villa San Giorgio in Vezzano and Zattaglia. Brisighella is one of the most beautiful villages of Italy and is famous for the production of Extravirgin Olive Oil, wine and large chestnuts, representing an important economic resource for the area. The main architectural and cultural attractions are the ancient Via degli Asini (Donkeys' Road), the Santuario del Monticino (sanctuary), the Torre dell'Orologio (Bell Tower), the Chiesa Collegiata di S. Michele Arcangelo, the Parco delle Rimembranze (park), the Chiesa dell'Osservanza, the Rocca Manfrediana e Veneziana (castle), the Pieve di San Giovanni in Ottavo (parish church), the Palazzo Maghinardo (historical building), the Museo della Civiltà Contadina (Museum of Rural Life) and the Museo Civico “Giuseppe Ugonia” (municipal museum). Among the most important events there are the Feste Medievali (Medieval Festival), Delizie del Porcello (gourmet festival), the Sagra della Pera Volpina (folk festival dedicated to the production of pears), the Sagra dell'Ulivo (folk festival dedicated to the production of olives) and the Truffle Festival. Visitors cramming the first-class hotels and restaurants can reach Brisighella by car, by train, or by plane, landing at Marconi Airport in Bologna.

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