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Lido di Savio and surroundings

Lido di Savio hotel available on ItaliaABC
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Lido di Savio

Lido di Savio is a small welcoming seaside resort on the Adriatic Coast. The main natural attractions are the large sandy beaches stretching for more than 2 km South of Savio river and the marvellous natural environment of its surrounding pinewood. Its accommodation facilities offer good value for money services and the town has been recently renovated making Lido di Savio a unique place. A few kilometres away there is the famous theme park, Mirabilandia, with many crazy attractions for everybody, adults and kids. There are many sports facilities such as the water chute, the horse centre "Le Siepi" and plenty of tennis courts. Besides the beach, the sea and the sports activities, tourists can go shopping in the elegant boutiques of the town centre and enjoy their evening in one of the many fashionable bars and restaurants. A few kilometres away, there is also a modern spa centre and the 18-hole Golf Club at Cervia .

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