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Pinarella and surroundings

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Pinarella, frazione (sub-division) of Cervia in the province of Ravenna, besides being easily accessible by car, it has a train station and connexions to the near airports of Rimini and Forli. In the last years the area has revealed itself as one of the most appreciated tourist places of the Romagna, succeeding in keeping a constant flow of vacationers despite being close to very prestigious seaside resorts of the Adriatic coast. Anybody who has had the chance of spending a day in Pinarella could not have overlooked the quality of the local accommodation facilities. Here, the sole objective of inns, restaurants, dancing clubs, bars and discotheques is to work and achieve their customers’ full satisfaction. To the splendid sandy beaches, Pinarella also adds an enchanting and pleasant pinewood, perfect for tours in search of relaxation and a new outlook on Nature. Finally, the Sagra della Seppia (Squid festival) is worth mentioning among the main local folklore events.

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