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Marina Romea and surroundings

Marina Romea hotel available on ItaliaABC
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Marina Romea

Marina Romea is one of the most elegant seaside resorts on the Adriatic Coast, situated only 20 km far from Ravenna. Due to its history, culture and tourist tradition Marina Romea has always attracted tourists and the town is one of the most favourite Italian destinations of sea lovers. The main natural attractions of the town are its golden sandy beaches and the marvellous natural environment of its surrounding pinewood. Marina Romea, together with Porto Corsini and Casalborsetti, is the ideal place where to spend a relaxing holiday with your kids. The town offers various facilities for all kinds of sports such as sailing, golf and horse riding. Also football became part of the history of this town when Juventus FC has chosen Marina Romea as the place of its Juventus Summer Camp. In Marina di Ravenna there is a well equipped leisure port called Marinara. The town is set right in the River Po Delta Park, a very interesting area from a naturalistic point of view, with a spectacular variety of flora and fauna. For a fashionable and relaxing stay you can choose from several hotels, villas, bathing establishments all set in the marvellous natural surrounding of the pinewood. The town is also a favourite destination of sports enthusiasts.

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