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Caorle and surroundings

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Caorle, with its coastline and varied rural landscapes, is certainly the most suggestive town among the old towns of Veneto. Caorle, with its coastline and varied rural landscapes, is certainly the most suggestive town among the old towns of Veneto. Caorle’s main attraction is surely the scogliera viva (“living rocks”), an outdoor gallery of sculptures very carefully modelled and decorated on the rocks made by artists from all over the world, great masters who gather in July to give birth to these wonderful works of art. The most popular destination for tourists and business in Caorle is the beach, divided into two sides: the Ponente (West) beach and the Levante (East) beach, so named according to their location in the village. Every year both spots are overflowed by crowds of holidaymakers due to the appealing local weather offering a hot sun at all times. The most popular destination for tourists and business in Caorle is the beach, divided into two sides: the Ponente (West) beach and the Levante (East) beach, so named according to their location in the village. Every year both beaches are overflowed by crowds of holidaymakers due to the appealing local weather offering a hot sun at all times.

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