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Brenzone and surroundings

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Brenzone is a municipality in the Province of Verona, situated on the coast of Lake Garda, 46 km North from Verona. Its name derives from Brenzoni, a rich family that lived here in the past. The economy, mainly agricultural, is based on tourism. Every year, the wonderful landscape attracts many visitors who can choose from a wide selection of hotels, guest-houses and restaurants. The main architectural and cultural attractions are San Zen de l'oselét, the Parrocchiale di Castelletto, the Church of San Giovanni, the Church of Assenza, the Church of Castello, Villa Spolverini, San Pietro in Vincoli a Campo, Contrada di Narle sopra Prada Alta, the Historical centre of Venzo, the Rifugio Chierego and Rifugio Telegrafo (mountain refuges) . Among the main folkloric events in Brenzone there are the Festa dell’Agola and the Ondes de Luy (10 and 11 July), the Regata di Piazza Brenzone (15 August) and the Festa di San Rocco at Marniga (a festival in honour of San Rocco that takes place on the 16 August).

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