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Pomezia and surroundings

Pomezia hotel available on ItaliaABC
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Pomezia, comune (municipality) in the province of Rome in the Lazio region, spreads along the Roman countryside to the South of the capital city, a few kilometres away from the Tyrrhenian coast which influences the local weather. The city is a newly developed town, since it was born in 1928 after the drainage of the surrounding marshes. Regarding the origin of the name, which initially must have been Ausonia, there are many hypothesis among which the one that the name probably derives from the ancient centre of Suessa Pometia and the possible connection with Pomona, the Roman goddess of fruits and trees. Pomezia offers holidaymakers and visitors many historical and cultural places of interest: the Archaeological Museum of Lavinio, the balconies of the former Casa del Fascio (House of the Fascist Party) and the German War Cemetery; the remains of the Villa romana (Roman villa) in Torvaianica, discovered in 2000. Finally, some of the main local folk events to keep in mind are the spectacular Carnival parade, the enchanting Processione dell’Assunta (procession dedicated to the Virgin Mary) and the characteristic Patronal festival of San Benedetto da Norcia.

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