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Frascati and surroundings

Frascati hotel available on ItaliaABC
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Frascati, a municipality in the Province of Rome with a population of approximately 20,000 inhabitants, is one of several historic hill towns known collectively as Castelli Romani, and it lies on the northern side of Colli Albani. The local economy is mainly based on agriculture, commerce and tourism. The town is also known for its local white wine, Frascati DOC. The town's origins date back to the 12th century, when the former inhabitants of the nearby Tuscolo settled here after their town was destroyed. The main architectural and cultural attractions of Frascati are the majestic Villa Aldobrandini, housing important paintings, the impressive Cathedral, with a marvellous façade in Late Baroque style, and the famous Palazzo Vescovile (Bishop's Palace) whose construction began in the Middle Ages. The numerous buildings and palaces dating back to the 16th and 17th centuries are also worth a visit, such as the majestic Villa Lancellotti, the superb Villa Falconieri, the characteristic Villa Mondagone and the marvellous Villa Tuscolana. The Hotels and restaurants in Frascati are always crammed with tourists and visitors who also appreciate a visit to the surrounding towns such as Monte Porzio Catone, surrounded by olive-yards, Tusculum, a favourite retreat of Roman patricians, and Rocca Priora, with its famous Palazzo Baronale.

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