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Martinsicuro and surroundings

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Martinsicuro, a comune (municipality) of about 13,000 inhabitants in Abruzzo, is included in the province of Teramo. In 2005, the Bronze Medal to gallantry in Civilian Life was awarded to its gonfalon due to the bombardments the city underwent during World Word II because of its strategic position along the “Gustav” Line Recent archaeological findings have shown how deeply rooted in History the origins of the city areas they date back to 1000 BC. The city ground hosts the remains of the ancient Castrum Trentinum, founded by the Liburnians and then abandoned after the Lombard invasions. The town, even if small in dimensions, boasts a great number of admirers that do not miss the chance of staying in the characteristic local hotels, inns, bed & breakfasts and having dinner at the typical restaurants, enjoying rural tourism in the surroundings. Among the local attractions most appreciated by travellers and visitors are the Santa Maria Bambina (Birth of the Virgin) Festival, and the traditional San Gabriele Festival.

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