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Siena and surroundings

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Siena, capital city of Tuscany, lies on a hill between two valleys crossed by Arbia and Elsa rivers. It is considered to be one of the main historical towns in Italy and it has been declared by UNESCO a World Heritage Site for the beauty and uniqueness of its Medieval architecture. Siena was initially an Etruscan settlement. Then it became part of the Roman Empire, but the town prospered around the 11th century when it was ruled by various bishops and consuls. During the 16th century, it was annexed to the territories of the Medici family; later, together with the rest of the region, it passed under the rule of the Lorena family. In 1859, it was the first Tuscan town to become part of the newly born Kingdom of Italy. All year round, Siena is visited by thousands of tourists coming from Italy and abroad cramming its prestigious restaurants and hotels. Among the main architectural and cultural attractions there are: the unique shell-shaped Piazza del Campo, one of Italy’s most famous squares, and probably the one with the most original shape, the Palazzo Pubblico, a wonderful example of Gothic architecture, the Duomo, with its massive façade called "Facciatone" and the Palazzo del Magnifico, where the lord of the town once lived. Not to be missed are the numerous museums where visitors can spend unforgettable days discovering the historical and cultural past of this marvellous town. The main museums are: Palazzo delle Papesse, the Museo di storia naturale dell’Accademia dei Fisiocritici (Natural History Museum) and the Archivio di Stato (State Archive). But it is through the Palio that people can appreciate the fiery temperament of the local people, deeply linked to their traditions. Every year, on July 2 and August16th, the Palio di Siena is held. The Palio is a traditional medieval horse race run in Piazza del Campo by the various contrade (city wards) to win the longed-for Cencio, a painted flag bearing an image of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Among other important events there are the Terra di Siena film festival, the Settimana dei Vini (a week dedicated to wine tastings), the Settimana Nazionale dell'Olio (the oil week) held at Enoteca Italiana Permanente and the famous Jazz Festival.

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