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Chianciano Terme

Chianciano Terme, a Tuscan municipality in the Province of Siena, has a population of approximately 7,000 inhabitants and it became popular since the construction of the renowned aqueduct during the period 1915-1920. The local economy is strictly linked to the famous spa centre which is considered one of the best and finest thermal baths in Italy, a real healthy oasis surrounded by the beauties of the Tuscan landscape. The hot springs are famous for the therapeutic properties of its waters: for example, Acqua Santa and Acqua Fucoli are beneficial to liver, stomach and intestine, while Acqua Sillene is used to for mud baths and for the production of cosmetics, while the inhalations of Acqua Santissima are indicated to cure respiratory diseases. Not to be missed are also the architectural and artistic beauties of Chianciano Terme, such as the medieval town centre, the beautiful Chiesa di San Giovanni Battista, which houses the Presepio del Rustichino, the characteristic Chiesa di Santa Maria della Rosa, built in the 16th century, the magnificent Palazzo del Potestà (Potestà Palace) whose origins date back to the 13th century and the interesting Museo civico archeologico delle Acque (Municipal Archaeological Museum of Waters).

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