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Savona and surroundings

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Savona, capital city of the province of the Riviera Ligure di Ponente, is situated near the mouth of Letimbro Torrent. The town is famous for its port and is one of the main commercial and industrial centres of the area. A town devoted to tourism as evidenced by its numerous hotels, restaurants and guest houses, Savona together with the old port was awarded the remarkable Blue Flag in the years from 2002 to 2006. Among the main architectural and cultural attractions of Savona there are: the Torretta clock tower in Piazza Leon Pancaldo, the Torre del Brindale, the Torri Corsi e Riario (towers), the Priamar Castle, the Palazzo della Rovere, the Sistine Chapel of Savona, the Santuario di Nostra Signora della Misericordia, the Chiesa di S. Andrea, the Chiesa di San Dalmazio, the Oratorio del Cristo Risorto, the Oratorio di Nostra Signora di Castello, the Quadreria del Seminario Vescovile, the Municipal art gallery and the Monumento ai Caduti (war memorial).

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