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Giardini Naxos

Giardini Naxos is a small municipality located in Sicily with a population of approximately 9,000 inhabitants. The town belongs to the Messina province and it was the first Greek colony in Sicily, founded by a group of settlers landed at Capo Schisò. The symbol of the town is the altar of Apollo Archegetes from where the Greek ambassadors going back to their homeland departed. During the 19th century, Giardini Naxos enjoyed a period of splendour and prosperity thanks to various economic activities such as fishing, the manufacturing of wrought iron, vases and tiles. The agriculture is also an important sector especially for the production of local fruits. Today, Giardini Naxos' economy is mainly based on tourism. Thanks to its wonderful landscape and beautiful natural attractions the town is a favourite destinations among sea lovers. Besides being an important seaside resort, the town boasts many cultural attractions such as the Monument dedicated to Giuseppe Garibaldi, Porta di Naxos and Il Sileno.

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