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hotel Calabria available on ItaliaABC
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Hotel Capo Rizzuto


Renowned for being the tip of boot-shaped Italy, the Calabria Region offers unforgettable views, cities rich in history, and the inimitable tastes that this generous land has to offer. Wet by two seas: the Tyrrhenian and the Ionian seas, the Calabria Region with its gulfs: Sibari, Sant'Eufemia, Squillace, and Gioia Tauro, and its mountains: Pollino, the Aspromonte and the Sila, presents environments that are truly evocative and suggestive. The Sila is the most highly populated location during the winter when the skiing season and the very well equipped skiing resorts open. Amongst the tourist cities, apart from Catanzaro which is the capital of the Region, one must mention Crotonese, Gioia Tauro, Locride, Pollino, Reggio di Calabria, Serre, Sibaritide, Soverato, and Vibo Valentia.

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