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Bologna and surroundings

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Last Minute offer in Bologna
Hotel Astor - Bologna
Special last minute rates, valid only for on-line reservation, made 20 or less days in advance. Enjoy up to 10% discount on our best available ...
Early Booking Offer in Bologna
Hotel Astor - Bologna
Book in advance ad save the best available rate. 15% of discount. Buffet breakfast, parking an internet wi fi are included in the rate.
Last second hotel in Bologna
Hotel Astor - Bologna
3 stars hotel close to the Bologna Fiera. Free parking and internet wi fi. Buffet breakfast included. Late check out on request. No credit card for ...
Bologna Fairs Offers
Hotel Astor - Bologna
About 2 km far from the Bologna Fair, choose us as a hotel with free parking and free internet Wi Fi!  
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A gourmet tour in Bologna
Hotel Astor - Bologna
Choice our hotel near the railway station and near the city centre of Bologna. Comfort room with 10% of discount. Sky programs, minibar and parking ...
Week end low cost in Bologna
Hotel Astor - Bologna
Minimum stay 3 nights: third night free! Buffet breakfast, parking and internet wi fi included. Late check out free of charge.
Clinical Villa Erbosa Bologna agreement with Hotel Astor
Hotel Astor - Bologna
€. 32,00 per person in a double room, buffet breakfast and parking included. Hotel Astor is only 800 metres far from Villa Erbosa Clinical.
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Hotel Astor - Bologna
Click Like us on our Facebook page and book your hotel in Bologna with an immediate discount of 10%  on our Best Available Rates
Hotel package at Bologna airport
Hotel Bologna Airport - Bologna
If you are looking for a hotel in Bologna near the airport, you couldn’t find a better solution than that of staying at the Hotel Bologna ...
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Hotel in Bologna for low cost flights
Hotel Bologna Airport - Bologna
As well as the convenience of your low cost flight, you can also take advantage of our special last minute offer at the Hotel Bologna Airport with ...
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Bologna hotel available on ItaliaABC
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Hotel Astor
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Bologna is today a large road, airport and railway hub thanks to its privileged geographic location. Every year international trade fairs take place in town. Bologna is today not only a city connecting other towns, but also a tourist resort due to its heritage of historic and artistic monuments. The Bologna "G. Marconi" Airport especially is one of the most modern airports in Europe equipped with state-of-the-art airport technology caring for the environment and passenger safety. The urban, architectural and artistic wealth of Bologna turns it into a globally renowned city. Other important traditions are gastronomy, celebrated all around the world, and friendly hospitality. Bologna was founded by the Etruscans with the name of Felsina and it was already recognised as an urban centre. In the second Century it was conquered by the Romans, who built the famous Via Emilia (a road that still today links the whole region of Emilia Romagna). In 1088 the university of Bologna became the first university in the Western world attracting scholars and scientists from all over Europe. An expanding city, growing population and the need for larger areas for housing led to the building of the famous Porticoes, an architectural solution to enlarge upper floors while keeping the pedestrian passage always at sea level. Today these porticoes are a striking feature of Bologna’s distinctive architecture. The whole town’s historical centre remains today as it was in Medieval times. The city’s emblematic monuments are without any doubt the Two towers built in 1100 that rise high in the cityscape. The main Gothic churches were built during the 13th and 14th centuries. For example, San Domenico (Dominican order), San Francesco (Franciscan order), San Giacomo (Augustian order), Santa Maria dei Servi (Servite order), San Martino (Carmelite order). Other buildings constructed in this period are the palazzo del Podestà (Podesta Palace) and palazzo di Re Enzo (Palace of King Enzio) and the Palazzo Comunale (Town Hall), which together with the San Petronio Basilica make up the centre of the well-known Piazza Maggiore

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