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Castel San Pietro Terme and surroundings

Castel San Pietro Terme hotel available on ItaliaABC
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Castel San Pietro Terme

Castel San Pietro Terme, a municipality of approximately 20,000 inhabitants in the Bologna province, lies on the Western bank of Sillaro torrent. The economy is based on industry and craftsmanship. However, the local spa centre is an important economic resource. In the 13th century, the area was occupied by the Bolognesi (inhabitants of Bologna) and became a military fortress during the war against the Imolesi, the inhabitants of Imola. In 1388, the town became the seat of the ancient University when the Pope banned it from Bologna. The sumptuous spa centre is one of the most renowned in Italy and is surrounded by a luxuriant garden. The therapeutic properties of its waters are used to cure circulatory insufficiency, gynaecological, epidermic, respiratory and arthro-rheumatic diseases. The spa town of Castel San Pietro Terme is situated amid a marvellous and relaxing natural environment. Other important architectural attractions are the impressive Chiesa di Santa Maria Maggiore and the characteristic Santuario del Crocifisso. Among the typical folk events and festivals there are the traditional Settembre Castellano, the unique Festa della Braciola and the typical Carrera.

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