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San Vito Lo Capo

San Vito lo Capo lies on the top end of the promontory in the Gulf of Castellammare, at the foot of Monaco Mountain, namely between Soltanto point and the homonymous promontory. Famous for its magnificent views, the town lies on a sandy basin with marvellous beaches and coves, visited every year by many tourists. San Vito was established around the present Santuario which has been remodelled several times since the 14th century, when the small chapel dedicated to the martyr St. Vitus was built. The first human settlements date back to the 18th century when the first huts where built around the Church to give a shelter to the pilgrims. After almost a century, these dwellings were registered among the Reign properties. In 1952 the town became an autonomous commune and the villages of Marai and Casteluzzo were annexed to its territories. Among the most important architectural attractions there are the Santa Crescenzia Chapel, the picturesque piazza Santuario, rich with ancient troughs, wrought iron benches and creeping plants, and the Palazzo La Porta, which houses the town hall. Along the coast don't miss the Zingaro Natural Park, one of the most famous parks in Italy for its xerophile Mediterranean vegetation. The Uzzo Caves and the homonymous towers are among the main natural attractions of the site.

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