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Hotel Golden Tower - Firenze
Spoil yourself with a unique occasion: a magic holiday in Florence
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Hotel Golden Tower - Firenze
Luxury week end in a boutique hotel settled in the city center.
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Hotel Golden Tower - Firenze
Florence is the perfect landscape for honeymooners so let your dreams come true with your lover at the Golden Tower Hotel.
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Florence, capital city of the province and the region of Tuscany and crossed by the Arno River, has about 370,000 inhabitants, reaching almost 900,000 in its surrounding urban centres. Also considered the birthplace of Renaissance- from the artistic and architectural point of view, Florence is one of the most important cities in the world nowadays. In fact, there are numerous museums such as the Uffizi, the Bargello, the Galleria Palatina and the Pitti Palace. The historic centre of Florence is therefore rich in monuments and has been declared a World Heritage Site by the UNESCO. The centre is delimited by the ring of ancient walls dating back to the 14th century, the city’s most prosperous period. Among the city’s most important and famous monuments is the Ponte Vecchio, a very old bridge built by the Etruscans and the only one that survived the Second World War bombing intact. Nowadays it is famous due to the numerous small shops built upon its edges. At the heart of the city is the Fountain of Neptune, at the terminus of a still functioning Roman aqueduct. Renowned worldwide is the Palazzio Vecchio (“Old Palace”), a monument linked to the Medici family, which ruled the city during the 15th century. In this area, tourists can visit the Uffizi Gallery, one of the most famous museums in the world, besides the Bargello, that houses sculptures by Donatello and Michelangelo. The city’s main cultural attraction is the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, also known as the “Florence Duomo, designed by Brunelleschi, while the nearby bell tower is a masterpiece by Giotto. In the same area, there is also the baptistery with the bronze doors decorated by Gioberti. Florence also offers numerous and splendid gardens like the Boboli Gardens at the city’s historic centre, adjoining the Pitti Palace and the Belvedere Fortress. These gardens are very famous for its beautiful landscapes as well as for its sculptures.

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