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Senigallia and surroundings

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Hotel Turistica a Senigallia
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Hotel Mareblù a Senigallia
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Hotel Caraibi a Senigallia
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Since the 18th century, the Marches seaside resort of Senigallia has welcomed tourists. Located on the Adriatic Coast, Senigallia stands out not only due to its clean sea but also its accommodating facilities with about 100 Hotels ready to receive visitors. There are also several campsites, the beach with very soft velvet-like sand and a very beautiful seafront. Nowadays, Senigallia is the most popular resort not only on the Adriatic Coast but also in Italy. Regarding our clean seawater, Europe has favoured an honoured our sea. This year only the Marches region has been awarded 10 “Bandiere Blu” (Blue Flags) for our quality environment, mainly thanks to the work of regional and local governments that made their best to meet this goal. The museums: the Rocca Roveresca (Roveresca Fortress), that has remained intact throughout the years, was built and designed by architect Braccio Pontelli around 1840. It has not always been a fortress; formerly a refined residence, today the Roveresca Fortress is a theatre where many important masterpieces are staged. It can be visited every day from 8.30 am to 7.30 pm. Another monument is the Palazzo del Duca (Ducal Palace), built by Guidobaldo II della Rovere and enlarged later by his son. The Duke himself ordered the construction of this fortress for political and economic reasons. A very important characteristic of this palace is the wooden lacunar ceiling of its main room, of strange design and decorated with festive scenes. The Museo d’Arte Moderna (Museum of Modern Art) was born in a small three-storey Renaissance building in 1981. There are also other things to see; here is a short list of monuments or museums you cannot miss: the Palazzo Baviera (Baviera Palace), the Museum of Agriculture, the Archaeological Area and the La Fenice Museum, Pio IX Museum and the Diocesan Picture Gallery. Senigallia has about 44,000 inhabitants and covers 115 km2, with a density of 395 people/km.

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