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Santa Margherita and surroundings

Santa Margherita hotel available on ItaliaABC
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Santa Margherita

Santa Margherita, a Ligurian comune (municipality) in the province of Genoa, extends along a fairy-tale cove between Rapallo and Portofino: the beauty and uniqueness of the natural panorama have earned the area the title of “Pearl of Tigullio”. The origins of the initial city core date back to the Roman period, but the importance the area gained in the following centuries and particularly in Napoleonic times was remarkable. In spite of a flourishing commercial disposition, the economy of the area gets most its resources from the extremely famous tourist activities, as shown by the luxurious inns, hotels, bed & breakfasts, guest-houses, restaurants, bars, trendy shops set up in the area. Besides being one of the most important health and seaside resorts of the Riviera di Levante (Eastern Coast), Santa Margherita is considered a prestigious harbour for cruising ships. The best artistic, cultural and architectural attractions in the comune are the majestic Villa Durazzo or Centurione, built on a project by Gaetano Alessi, the wonderful Defense Tower, erected in the XVI century, the historical Gate, decorated according to the characteristics angler’s houses and the impressive Basilica of Santa Margherita d’Antiochia, built on the remains of a XIII-century church. Besides, there are the neighbouring towns of San Lorenzo della Costa that boasts a traditional Romanesque parish church, and Paraggi, famous for its marvellous waters. Finally, some other typical local events truly appreciated by tourists are the Pirelli Regatta - Carlo Negri Cup, the “Canzone d'autore” Festival (for songs by singer-songwriters}, the Palio Marinaro del Tigullio rowing race, and the Festa della Primavera (Spring Festival).

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