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San Vito Di Cadore and surroundings

San Vito Di Cadore hotel available on ItaliaABC
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San Vito Di Cadore

In the middle of the magnificent Boite Valley, in the heart of the Dolomites, lies San Vito di Cadore, a small alpine village a few kilometres away from the renowned tourist resort of Cortina d'Ampezzo. The local economy is mainly based on winter tourism. In fact the area is one of the most favourite tourist destinations in north-western Italy. Its marvellous woods and its suggestive and endless abetaie (fir woods) represent the natural framework to the spectacular and mighty Dolomite peaks among which there are Pelmo, Antelio and Croda Martora. San Vito di Cadore offers a wide selection of accommodation facilities to choose from such as hotels, guest-houses and restaurants. Visitors come from all over the world to take advantage of the modern ski facilities belonging to the ski-centres of the neighbouring Cortina D'Ampezzo (about 12 km). Among the main artistic and architectural attractions of the area, there are the characteristic Parrocchiale (church) and the famous Chiesa della Madonna della Difesa. Not to be missed is also the picturesque San Vito's Lake, at 978 metres above sea level and the tourist resort of Borca di Cadore, 10 km far from San Vito.

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