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San Marino and surroundings

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San Marino

San Marino is a State amid States, and though small, very small, it is a Republic. The historical centre of the City of San Marino is full of natural beauties, museums, libraries and monuments. Perched atop Mount Titano there stand the three Fortresses or Towers, connected among them by walls and communication trenches that lead to the city below which is encircled by triple walls, alternating with different doors, ramparts and turret masts. Within the city walls, there are old squares, palaces, museums, churches, Medieval houses made of stone that preserve an old appearance. A typical production of Sammarinese craftwork is pottery, and these products can be purchased in several stores. When in San Marino, do not miss the Seconda Torre (Second Tower) that houses the Museum of Antique Weapons, the Palazzo de Governo (the Government Palace), the Basilica del Santo (Basilica of the Saint), the San Francesco Church with its annexed picture gallery-museum, the Chiesa dei Capuccini (Capuchin Church), the Sammarinese Craft Fair, the Museum of Modern Weapons, the Vintage Cars Museum, the Wax Museum or the Curiosity Museum.

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