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Salento hotel available on ItaliaABC
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The Salento Peninsula has become an important tourist area due to its picturesque coastal landscape, its crystal waters, its thriving tourist industry providing a wide choice of hotels, restaurants, inns and bed and breakfast. It has become one of the most important economical centres of the Apulia region. Situated in the end part of the Apulia region, in the triangle of land encompassed among the towns of Taranto, Pilone and Santa Maria di Leuca, the Salento peninsula lies both on the Ionian Coast and on the Adriatic Coast. Besides the marvellous sandy beaches and the imposing cliffs falling dramatically to the sea, the area boasts other important naturalistic attractions such as the Alimini Lakes, Porto Selvaggio, the Cesine Park and the typical karstic caves (among which the famous Zinzilusa). Gallipoli, Galatina, Leuca, Otranto, Nardò, Santa Cesarea Terme, Lecce, Minervino, Ceglie Messapica, Ostini, Mandria and Pulsano are among the most famous visited towns. Considered an exclusive tourist destination, the Salento peninsula offers its visitors many cultural itineraries that give them the opportunity to discover ancient cathedrals and churches in Romanesque and Baroque styles, dolmens and menhirs dating back to the Prehistoric Age, towers and masserie (local farms) dating back to the Mediaeval times. The Museum of Maglie houses an important palaeontological collection. The peninsula is a lively, sunny area full of events and local festivals, highly appreciated by tourists from all over the world. The most interesting events include the Festa te lu mieru, the Festa della Municheddha, the Gourmet Market, the Swords Dance and the Night of the Taranta (typical local dance and music).

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