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Porto Cervo and surroundings

Porto Cervo hotel available on ItaliaABC
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Porto Cervo

Porto Cervo, frazione (sub-division) of Arzarchena in the province of Olbia – Tempio, stretches over the heart of Gallura, along the most spectacular section of the Costa Smeralda (Emerald Coast). Though it only has 200 residents, this is the most prestigious tourist resort in Sardinia and has been included among the most luxurious of Europe. The origins of Porto Vecchio date back to 1962 when Prince Karim Aga Khan founded the Costa Smeralda Group, today regarded as one of the main driving forces of the national economy, with the contribution of the most important international architects, like Luigi Vietti. His project was enlarged and perfected in the 80’s, and since then the area became the favourite tourist destination of VIPs and celebrities from every corner of the world; the Porto Nuovo can hold up to 700 yachts nowadays. The typical, simple style of Gallura has been kept for the planning of Porto Cervo, even in its most modern sections. Among the most typical places are the renowned Piazzetta delle Chiacchiere and the singular Sottopiazza. On the other hand, the heart of the tourist élite is on the outskirts of the frazione, where the most trendy night clubs, restaurants, inns and discotheques of the island can be found. The area of Arzarchena, however, besides being the throbbing heart of the of VIP tourism, offers its admirers truly interesting archaeological attractions like the famous Nuraghe Albicciu fortresses, the spectacular Small Temple of Malchittu, the famous Tomb of Coddu Vecchju and the historic Necropolis of Li Muri.

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