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Olbia and surroundings

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Ancient capital of Giudicato di Gallura, at present Olbia is one of the main towns in Northern Sardinia, together with the town of Tempio Pausania. In the prehistoric age, the first inhabitants were Nuragic populations. Then, starting from the 6th century B.C., the area was first conquered by the Greeks and Phoenicians, and subsequently by the Romans. Olbia is the main connection between Sardinia and the Italian Peninsula due to the presence of the Isola Bianca port and the Olbia-Costa Smeralda airport. Thanks to a convenient rail and road network (Freeway SS 131) and two State roads (SS 199/ E 840 and SS 125) the town can be easily reached. Each year, the town is visited by many tourists who are enchanted by the marvellous sea and the famous Costa Smeralda (about 30 km far) and its important monuments such as the Holy Well of Sa Testa, the Giants' Tomb, the Nuragic complex of Riu Mulinu, the Phoenician remains in Via Nanni and the Roman Aqueduct, Villa Tamponi and the Church of Sacra Famiglia (the Holy Family).

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