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Monterosso Al Mare and surroundings

Monterosso Al Mare hotel available on ItaliaABC
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Monterosso Al Mare

Monterosso al Mare, Ligurian comune (municipality) in the province of La Spezia, is a charming agricultural centre settled in a small natural gulf. Its reputation is strongly related to its remarkable tourist appeal due to its renowned seaside buildings. Many tourists are attracted by the Sciacchetrà, a characteristic high-quality white wine. The origins of the area date back to the year 1000, when the original village became part of the Republic of Genoa in the XIII century. In Monterosso tourist may find several artistic, architectural and cultural attractions; special attention should be given to the Castello settecentesco (18th century Castle), the attractive villa where Nobel prize winner Eugenio Montale used to spend his holidays, the charming Parish Church of San Giovanni Battista and the characteristic Sanctuary of the Madonna di Soviore). There is also the highly appreciated "Semaforo", an ancient lighthouse no longer used from which you can enjoy a spectacular view of the fairytale reefs characteristic of the Cinque Terre National Park. The nearby renowned tourist city of Levanto contributes to the fact that guest-houses, restaurants, bed & breakfast, hotels and pizza parlours in the area are fully booked all year long.

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