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Modena and surroundings

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Modena, capital city of the province of Emilia – Romagna, lies along the idyllic Val Padana, bounded by the rivers Secchia and Panaro. Its local economy is mostly based on agriculture and the related food and trading activities; it also flourishes thanks to the industries settled in the area. There is evidence of human presence in the area since the prehistoric age, some traces of Etruscan and Gaulish settlements have also been discovered, they controlled the area until the arrival of the Romans in the II century BC. “Mutina”, as the ancient colony was named, lived a short period of prosperity and richness 200 years ago. Only in 1115, when the comune (municipality) was declared free, Modena managed to recover its ancient splendour as in the XIV century it was annexed as a district of the Este territory to later become the capital of the Duchy. Really significant are the places of artistic interest that the city of Modena offers its visitors are really significant: just think that the spectacular Piazza Grande, the historical Torre Civica della Ghirlandina (Ghirlandina Civic Tower) and the majestic Duomo (Cathedral) have been declared World Heritage Site by the UNESCO. No less worthy of attention are other architectural attractions like the Palazzo Ducale (Doge’s Palace), the Este glorious court, the Palazzo Comunale (Town Hall), which was started to be built in the IX century, and the San Vincenzo Church, Guarino Guarini might have probably helped in its design. Moreover, it is proper to mention the well-known Palazzo dei Musei (Museum Palace), which houses the main museums of Modena, the world-famous Museum of Medieval and Modern Art, the well-known City Museum of Risorgimento, the important Estense Gallery, the characteristic Estense Epigraphic Museum, the prestigious Graziosi Gallery of Plaster Casts, the fascinating Archaeological and Ethnological Museum and the renowned Estense Library. Finally, do not miss some of Modena events mostly appreciated by tourists- the traditional Carnevale (Carnival), the typical Fiera di San Geminano (San Geminano Fair), the noteworthy Philosophy Festival and the fascinating Estense Week.

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