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Merano and surroundings

Merano hotel available on ItaliaABC
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Merano, comune (municipality) in the Alto Adige in the province of Bolzano, is placed at the mouth of the Passirio river tributary of the Adige. The town, capital city of the Comunità comprensoriale del Burgraviato (district community of Burgraviato), has an economy strongly supported by significant flows of tourists and prestigious local hot springs. The historical roots of the area go back to the Roman period, to the time of the ancient original castrum (fortification) was built. In medieval times, the area was under the rule of the Prince-Bishops of Trento, who handed it over to the County of Tyrol, starting a long period of prosperity, as evidenced by the mint built in its territory. Merano had a critical moment from the 15th century due to internal fights, frequent invasions and conflicts with the Bavarian rule. Since the 19th century, it has been considered a renowned tourist resort. The city of Merano offers architectural and urban attractions of strange beauty, among them the majestic gothic Duomo (Cathedral), built straddling two centuries- 14th and 15th-, the traditional Via dei Portici, Merano’s historical quarter, the charming Castello Principesco, remodelled by Sigismund, Archduke of Austria, the Church of Santa Maria del Conforto (Our Lady of Consolation), where beautiful frescoes can be found, and the prestigious Museo Civico (local history museum), famous for its archaeological exhibitions. Finally, there is a very famous hot spring that, thanks to the beneficial properties of its excellent oligomineral waters, offers the most appropriate remedies to rheumatic illnesses, gynaecological and urinary diseases and inflammatory conditions.

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