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Longarone and surroundings

Longarone hotel available on ItaliaABC
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Longarone, it is a community of around 4,000 inhabitants in the province of Belluno. It is situated in the north-east stretch of Veneto, in the spectacular area where it is possible to admire the splendour and the grandeur of the very famous Dolomites. The local economy draws huge resources from tourism and traditional handicraft ice cream production. Longarone is included in the Comunità montana Cadore Longaronese Zoldo (Mountain community Cadore Longaronese Zoldo), and it is particularly praised for the marvellous panorama that offers to the many travellers and visitors that every year fill the prestigious hotels, restaurants, bed & breakfast and guest houses. In 2005, the city was awarded the title of the "Ice cream Capital" for the importance of the marketing of Italian ice cream in Austria, Germany and Holland: it is not by chance that it is actually in this suggestive community that the International Show of Handicraft Ice cream is organized annually, among the most important world exhibitions of the sector.

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