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Gubbio hotel available on ItaliaABC
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Gubbio, a municipality in the province of Perugia located in Central Italy, lies at the foot of Mount Ingino, surrounded by the marvellous natural landscape of Umbria region. The main economic activities are handicrafts, namely the production of ceramics, wood and iron works. The area was inhabited since the remote past and became allied with Rome. During the Imperial period, it was an important centre. The period of splendour and prosperity last until the Middle Ages, when the town became a free commune. In the 17th century, after being ruled by the Gabrielli and Montefeltro families, it was annexed to the Papal states until the Unification of Italy. Gubbio offers its visitors and tourists remarkable artistic and monumental attractions such as the massive Palazzo dei Consoli, built in the 14th century, the majestic Cathedral, a remarkable example of Gothic architecture, the picturesque Chiesa di San Francesco, housing marvellous frescoes, the famous Mausoleo di Pomponio Grecino, a noble tomb of Roman origins and the Palazzo ducale, built during the Dark Ages boasting a magnificent cortile (courtyard). Other important cultural sites are the interesting Museo Diocesano (Diocesan Museum), the beautiful Art Collection housed in the St. Francis' Convent, the remarkable Museo della Chiesa di Santa Maria Nuova and the marvellous Museo della Torre di Porta Romana. Among the main cultural events there are the Festa dei Ceri (Race of the "Ceri", tall, heavy wooden structures on top of which are placed the statues), a religious festival in honour of the Patron, S. Ubaldo, and the characteristic Palio della Balestra (Crossbow Festival) and Altrocioccolato, a chocolate festival.

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