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Ferrara and surroundings

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Ferrara, capital city of the homonymous province, is situated in the Emilia Romagna region. Under the rule of the Este family, Ferrara underwent a deep urban and architectural change and became one of the first modern towns in Europe. Thanks to its urban and architectural structure, Ferrara was declared World Heritage Site by UNESCO. The local economy is mainly based on agriculture, commerce and industry. Tourism also plays an important role. The origins of Ferrara are uncertain since the first written document concerning the town dates back to 657 B.C. However, it is certain that the duchy of Ferrara was founded in the 10th century by the Church. The first rulers of Ferrara were the Canossiani, noblemen from a nearby town, who came to power for a short period. Then Ferrara became an independent commune before the Este family took over from the Canossiani until the 16th century. They brought about a period of wealth and splendour under Hercules I. Between the 16th and the 17th centuries, after the Este rule came to an end, Ferrara was absorbed into the Papal State. Then it became a Napoleonic territory and during the Italian Risorgimento it was the theatre of bloody revolts, ended with the Unification of Italy. The main architectural and cultural attractions of Ferrara are the famous Palazzo di Ludovico II il Moro, the magnificent Casa di Ludovico Ariosto (Ariosto's House), the impressive Cattedrale di San Giorgio (Cathedral), the characteristic Palazzo dei Diamanti and the marvellous Palazzo della Ragione. Not to be missed are also the Castello Estense, a unique example in Europe surrounded by a moat, the famous Palazzo Schifanoia, where important artistic exhibitions are housed, the Biblioteca Civica Ariostea (Municipal Library) housing a copy of the Bible that belonged to Friar Girolamo Savonarola. In Ferrara there are also important museums such as the Centro di Documentazione del Mondo Agricolo Ferrarese (Documentation Centre of Rural Culture), the Museo Michelangelo Antonioni, the Pinacoteca Nazionale (National Gallery), the Museo d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea (Museum of Modern and Contemporary Arts), the Palazzina di Marfisa d'Este, the Museo dell’Illustrazione – Centro Studi sull’Immagine Riprodotta (Picture Museum), the Lapidario Civico (Municipal Epigraphic Museum), the Museo del Modellismo Storico (Historical Modelling Museum) and the Museo Ebraico (Jewish Museum)

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