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Chiesa In Valmalenco hotel available on ItaliaABC
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Chiesa In Valmalenco

Chiesa in Valmalenco is situated in a beautiful valley surrounded by Disgrazia and Bernina Mountains, approximately 15 km from Sondrio. Chiesa in Valmalenco is a picturesque and fascinating skiing resort, equipped with the most modern facilities such as a cable car which in a few minutes leaves from Chiesa to Palù, to an altitude of 2,000 metres, where a vast carousel of ski runs open up. Ski runs are not particularly difficult; however they are very funny and ideal for all kind of skiers, from amateurs to those who want to improve their technique. The slopes develops in a sweet and peaceful basin, ideal for families with children and for mothers who can always keep an eye on their little skiers. Cross country ski runs are situated at Lanzada, that togegher with Chiesa in Valmalenco and Caspoggio forms the Valmalenco triangle. Chiesa in Valmalenco offers a wide variety of accommodation facilities such as hotels, guest houses and apartments to rent, restaurants, ski instructors, bars and a disco for a warm and sincere welcome.

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