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Cesenatico Villamarina and surroundings

Cesenatico Villamarina hotel available on ItaliaABC
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Cesenatico Villamarina

Cesenatico Villamarina, about 3 km from Cesenatico in the Forlì-Cesena province, is one of the most popular seaside resorts of the Adriatic coast. Every year, during the summer, the town gets crowded with tourists who are warmly welcomed in the various hotels and restaurants. The town's origins date back to the 14th century, when it became the first military centre for the nearby town of Cesena. Later it became an important fishing hamlet and in the following centuries the surrounding areas were annexed to the territories of the Da Polenta family and the Papal State. The near port was built in the 16th century by Duke Valentino from the plans of Leonardo da Vinci. Cesenatico Villamarina is famous for its beautiful beaches. Its sandy beaches and crystal-clear water make Cesenatico Villamarina a favourite tourist destination for all those people who like to spend their holidays into the world of sun, sea and relaxation.

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