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Capri and surroundings

Capri hotel available on ItaliaABC
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Famous for its wonderful natural beauties, a millennial history, mild weather and bright landscapes, the Isle of Capri is one of favourite destinations of international tourism. It is located 17 nautical miles South of Naples and 3 from the Sorrentine Peninsula. It is nearly 6 km long and its width varies from 1.2 to 2.8 km, with a surface of about 10 km². Unlike the other islands in the Gulf of Naples, Capri is not of volcanic but sedimentary origin. The weather is warm and wet; therefore, its flora is exuberant and typically Mediterranean. However, its fauna is rather scarce. The Grotta Azzurra (Blue Grotto) and the Faraglioni (limestone masses) are among the Isle’s greatest natural beauties. The Isle of Capri can easily be reached by scheduled ferries from the harbours of Naples and Sorrento

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