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Bolzano and surroundings

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Baroque palaces. Gothic facades with Tyrolean “Erker” (bay-windows). The rationalist architecture of the Anni Trenta (Thirties). The Portici, medieval arcades that are a shopping paradise. The bouquet of wines coming out of wine cellars. The green of its landscapes, vineyards and parks to walk along. Coffee shops full of irresistibly tempting arrays of sweets. Strudel and canederli (large dumplings). Bolzano is all this and more, a city where two cultures merge. Today Bolzano is a city of art, shows, culture and leisure, all thanks to its expanding new infrastructure that includes a theatre, an auditorium, museums, fairs and the airport (joining Bolzano and Rome in about an hour). The cities of Mercantini (street markets) invite tourists to live Christmas in a joyous atmosphere, discovering and trying something new every day. Bolzano, Meran, Bressanone, Brunico and Vipiteno are five cities for five particular and unique ways to see, feel, and taste the emotions of Christmas.

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