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Benevento hotel available on ItaliaABC
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Benevento is a town in the Campania region, capital of the homonymous province. The city lies in a valley surrounded by the Apennines at the confluence of Sabato and Calore rivers. The local economy is based on industry, tourism, agriculture and commerce. Also important is the typical production of bobbin laces and pottery. Benevento's origins date back to the ancient Samnite settlement of Maleventum, later occupied by the Romans. Having defeated Pyrrhus in 275 BC, the area became a Latin colony and its name was changed into Beneventum. In the 6th century, the city was conquered by the Lombards and finally became a duchy and it was annexed to the Papal territories. The Papacy ruled the area for a very long time, except for a brief interval, until the Unification of Italy. Benevento has many architectural and cultural attractions such as the Roman Theatre, the magnificent triumphal Arch built in honour of Trajan, the superb Cathedral, the remains of Lombard city walls, the old Leporoso Bridge, the wonderful Roman Arch of Sacramento and the typical Torre della Catena (tower). Other interesting sights are the prestigious Museo del Sannio, the beautiful Church of Santa Sofia and the characteristic Rocca dei Rettori (castle). The town is also famous for its tempting local cuisine and specialties comprising mugliatelli, timballi di maccheroni and cardoni. Benevento is also a lively city that attracts many tourists who can choose among a wide selection of hotels and guest houses. Among the main events there are the BENgio Festival, Quattro notti e più... di luna piena and a prestigious opera music season.

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