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Arona and surroundings

Arona hotel available on ItaliaABC
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Arona is situated in the Piedmont region, a town in the Novara Province. During the centuries, this area was inhabited by many civilizations, such as Celts, Romans and Lombards. Later the city became a possession of the Torriani and (from 1277) of the Visconti family. But it was the Borromeo family that left a deep imprint in the city. Among the most important religious buildings there are the Collegiata della Natività di Maria Vergine (Collegiate Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary), the Abbazia dei Martiri Graziano e Felino (Abbey of the Martyrs Graziano and Felino), the Convento delle Monache della Purificazione (a former convent where today the municipal library is housed), the chiesetta di San Giuseppe (little Church of San Giuseppe), the Chiesa di Santa Maria di Loreto, in the old square called Piazza del Popolo. Other important artistic and cultural buildings are: Villa Ponti: the legend says that Napoleon stayed here when he returned from the Egyptian campaign. At present the villa is the ideal settings for many concerts and exhibitions such as Guttuso, Manzù and De Chirico. Villa Leuthold, with its marvellous park whose origins date back to the 19th century and where you can admire wonderful varieties of camelias. The Rocca Viscontea (Castle) is situated on the hills surrounding Arona. In the past, it was the bone of contention between two families, the Torriani and the Visconti. It was the birthplace of Saint Charles of whom tourists today can admire the wonderful statue, the Sancarlone (36 meters high) built between 1614 and 1697 with copper slabs. The statue is situated in the San Carlo district, on the Sacred Mountain of San Carlo overlooking Lake Maggiore. Among the most important cultural events there are the Traversata a Nuoto di Angera (a swim across the Lake), held every year at the end of August. All sports lovers can participate in this non competitive challenge and swim for 1200 meters departing from the Lombard bank and arriving to the Piedmontese one. The departure point is at Angera while the arrival is at Arona near the ancient port of Piazza del Popolo. Another important event is the gathering of the lighted boats and the "long night" held in August: the boats parade from 9 o'clock in the evening, decorated with lights and flares that lit up the city sky. During the afternoon, in the streets and squares of the city centre many cultural and folkloristic events take place such as exhibitions, street markets, music and buskers.

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