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Arabba and surroundings

Arabba hotel available on ItaliaABC
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Arabba is a renowned ski resort in the Veneto region, belonging to the municipality of Livinallongo del Col di Lana, in the Belluno province. It is situated near the Marmolada glacier, right in the heart of the marvellous alpine area known as Ladinia. The local economy is mainly based on tourism, especially during the winter, and every year the town attracts many tourists who can choose among various accommodation facilities such as luxurious hotels, inns, guest-houses and restaurants. The surrounding areas have been the theatre of many cruel battles during the First World War and only in 1918, when the war ended, this territory was annexed to Italy. In fact, up to then, the area was part of the Tyrol region, and therefore it belonged to the Austrian-Hungarian empire. Today, Arabba, with its fairy-tale landscape and its snow-blanketed fields, is the buttonhole of the "Carosello dei quattro passi" an unforgettable and charming mountain ski carousel situated at the bifurcation of the Pordoi and Campolongo Passes: here tourists can enjoy the dreamy atmosphere offered by the well-equipped accommodation facilities, among the most modern and typical ones in the Dolomites.

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