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Alleghe and surroundings

Alleghe hotel available on ItaliaABC
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In the narrow Agordina valley, a few kilometres South of Marmolada, lies Alleghe, dominated to the West by the presence of the Civetta massif.

Since the 20th century, the first hotels appeared along the banks of the lake, following a glorious sport:  ski-tourism. Today Alleghe is one of the favourite tourist destinations of mountain lovers and the lake plays an important role especially during the winter, when the lake's surface gets iced and you can go ice-skating. Here in Alleghe were trained many champions who play in the Hockey National team, coming from the hockey team of Alleghe.

In 1979 the CIVETTA SKI COMPLEX was founded, connecting the skiing resorts of Alleghe, Selva di Cadore, Palafavera and Valzoldana, over a surface of 80 km.

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